Vol. 11 (2023)

black and white photos of the printed issue shown in its pouch, folded cover, and opened laid out on a table

This 2023 volume is Tab Journal’s eleventh year, and its print issue draws from traditions of how reading materials are made available to readers. Certainly, text is contained in objects such as books, journals, newspapers—with their scale, weight, and page-turning demands. These objects take on their weight based on cover material, size of page, binding, and ink. A single volume of The Compact Oxford English Dictionary (2nd Edition) weighs 14.8 pounds and comes with its own magnifying glass. 

And how are such objects themselves contained? The shelves where books and journals are stored are exclusive to people who can reach, grab, unstack, and navigate codex systems, all within the rooms and buildings that shelves—and readers—occupy. Henry Petroski writes in The Book on the Bookshelf, “Books and bookshelves are a technological system, each component of which influences how we view the other. Since we interact with books and bookshelves, we too become part of the system. This alters our view of it and its components and influences our very interaction with it.”

In Volume 11, Tab Journal questions access in relation to interaction and portability. With digital and audio formats of reading material, what is the place for print? Tab Journal strives for flexibility in a physical interaction yet defies the traditional anatomy of a codex—a spine, page signatures, and an obvious cover. It is not waiting to be chosen from a shelf. Instead, the print issue takes its storage with it in the form of a pouch where other things can join in its container, just as a phone or tablet is a portable container for poetry and much more.

To request one or more copies of the print issue, please use the Contact form.

The online issues in the 2023 volume pick up elements of the print issue’s design, and the entire website is updated to reflect this and shape the reading experience.

Adedayo Agarau 
Celestial Bodies
Carolyn Oliver   
Rahma O. Jimoh 
Khachaturian in Beirut 
Shahé Mankerian
fugitive: crossword clues
Lisa Roullard     
What Can Be Done 
Liz Ahl  
To Be There
Adam Day 
A Theory of Happiness
Blas Falconer  

Wishbone by Adedayo Agarau
Celestial Bodies by Carolyn Oliver
Landmine by Rahma O. Jimoh
Khachaturian in Beirut by Shahé Mankerian
fugitive: crossword clues by Lisa Roullard
What Can Be Done by Liz Ahl
To Be There by Adam Day
A Theory on Happiness by Blas Falconer

Special Issue: California Coastal Commission Poetry Contest

Every year, Tabula Poetica selects finalists for the Coastal Poetry Contest for K-12 students hosted by the California Coastal Commission. This year, Chapman University students in Tab Journal Editor Anna Leahy’s MFA poetry writing class served as the mid-level judges.

Tab Journal is thrilled to share the poems of young Californians as part of this collaboration with the community and Annie Frankel, the Public Education Program of the California Coastal Commission. You can also view the winning art and poetry selections at the California Coastal Commission’s website.

Kindergarten–1st Grade

Harbor Seals
Madison Quan
Honorable Mention
Down by the Ocean
Lana Babic
Two Waterfalls
Simon Litvinenko
Ocean Waves
Adeline West

Harbor Seals by Madison Quan
Down By the Ocean by Lana Babic
Two Waterfalls by Simon Litvinenko
Ocean Waves by Adeline West
2nd–3rd Grade

Randie Byrd
Honorable Mention
Ocean Love
Leanora Bazar
Oh, What a Dream
Madelyn Dennis
My Home Beach
Savannah Liu
By the Seaside
Melody Ran
You Are the Thing I Love Most
Kayla Brianna Zamora

Monarch by Randie Byrd
Ocean Love by Leanora Bazar
Oh What a Dream by Madelyn Dennis
My Home Beach by Savannah Liu
By the Seaside by Melody Ran
You Are the Thing I Love Most by Kayla Brianna Zamora
4th–6th Grade

The Seaweed Life
Maria Klaehn
Honorable Mention
Morning Tide
Logen Duhem
The Wonders of the Golden State
Uma Fox
The Beach
Nikita Pisharody
The Reef 
Alice Zhang

The Seaweed Life by Maria Klaehn
Morning Tide by Logen Duhem
The Wonders of the Golden State by Uma Fox
The Beach by Nikita Pisharody
The Reef by Alice Zhang
7th–9th Grade

Hello California
Genevieve Watson
Honorable Mention
Morro Bay
Mahala Colebrook
sea & sky
Sierra Elman
Sand Crab
Dylan Feakins
…and the ocean
Crystal Zhu

Hello California by Genevieve Watson
Morro Bay by Mahala Colebrook
sea & sky by Sierra Elman
Sand Crab by Dylan Feakins
…and the ocean by Crystal Zhu
10th–12th Grade

A Beach of Unblown Glass
Kaylia Roark-Hernandez
Honorable Mention
El Eco de Mil Corazones  |  The Echo of A Thousand Hearts
Landon Amavero
Tide Pools
Audrey Goddard
The Beach at Night
Carissa Kelly
Waters, Infinite
Angelyn Liu

A Beach of Unblown Glass by Kaylia Roark-Hernandez
El Eco de Mil Corazones | The Echo of A Thousand Hearts by Landon Amavero
Tide Pools by Audrey Goddard
The Beach at Night by Carissa Kelly
Waters, Infinite by Angelyn Liu

Muiz Ọpẹýẹmí Àjàyí
my brother; bronzed grackle and a better happier St Agatha
Frances Boyle
On Edward Hopper’s Reclining Nude
Hollie Dugas
I Know I Have Loved Patricia
Trish Hopkinson
Blood moon stars
Londeka Mdluli
A Pair of Hands
Gary Mesick
There are no more butterflies here.
Adesiyan Oluwapelumi
My Street
Patty Seyburn
Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick
Jessica Dawn Zinz
Book Review: Burning Like Her Own Planet by Vandana Khanna
Ian Koh

Shore by Muiz Ọpẹý ẹmí Àjàyí
my brother bronzed grackle by BEE LB
a better happier St Agatha by BEE LB
Tokens by Frances Boyle
On Edward Hopperss Reclining Nude by Hollie Dugas
I Know I Have Loved Patricia by Trish Hopkinson
Blood moon stars by Londeka Mdluli
A Pair of Hands by Gary Mesick
There are no more butterflies here by Adesiyan Oluwapelumi
My Street by Patty Seyburn
Leigh by Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick
Introduction by Jessica Dawn Zinz

A/Steroid and Autoimmunity and Microgravity
Lisa Ampleman 
Dysfunction and Mom’s Martini Shota
Lisa Eve Cheby 
Prescribed Burn
Bonnie S. Kaplan 
Bad Penny and Poem With No Sex in It
Michele Karas 
Obituary for the Order of Things; Or an Abecedarian for Programmed Cell Death 
 Jen Karetnick 
Vocalization and Like a Honeypot
Stefanie Kirby 
Nebbia Fitta 
Angie Macri 
 Jennifer Martelli 
Recovering, October
Angela Narciso Torres 
Dust of a Thousand Weathers III: An Epistolary of Long Illness
Angela Narciso Torres and Lúcia Leão 
Andrew Brenza 
In Conversation: On Hysteria with Nancy Kuhl
Sam Risak 
Book Review: Flare, Corona by Jeannine Hall Gailey
Ian Koh
Book Review: Cataloguing Pain by Alison Blevins
Makena Metz 
Book Review: Handbook for the Newly Disabled, A Lyric Memoir by Alison Blevins
Hannah Montante  
Book Review: I Feel Fine by Olivia Muenz
Lydia Pejovic  

A/Steroid by Lisa Ampleman
Autoimmunity and Microgravity by Lisa Ampleman
Mom’s Martini Shot by Lisa Eve Cheby
Prescribed Burn by Bonnie Kaplan
Bad Penny by Michele Karas
Poem With No Sex In It by Michele Karas Sex In It
Obituary for the Order of Things; Or an Abecedarian for Programmed Cell Death by Jen Karetnick
Vocalization by Stefanie Kirby
Like a Honeypot by Stefanie Kirby
Nebbia Fitta by Angie Macri
Undying by Jennifer Martelli
Recovering, October by Angela Narciso Torres
Dust of a Thousand Weathers III: An Epistolary of Long Illness by Angela Narciso Torres and Lúcia Leão
pod by Andrew Brenza

When I Was Straight and On A Flight To Sacramento, Dolly Parton Speaks To Me
Dustin Brookshire 
Secular Cubist
Jessica Goodfellow 
In Spring, through Buckeyes Blooming and Outside
Angie Macri 
Romance and A Litmus Test for Faith
Robin Reagler 
Questions of Home 
Susan Rich
Uncensored Footage of the Cyborg in an IDPs Camp and Flight Theory
Abu Bakr Sadiq
At Least This Time, It’s Not Ours and Alternate Universe Where Your Death Is More Gentle 
Lynne Schmidt
We Never Wore Tee-Shirts and The Path in the River
Mervyn Seivwright
If You Like Math 42% or More, You’ll Hate This 93%
Kenton K. Yee 
Le Passé 
Roger Camp 
[And I Not For Fury] and [His Prayer a Quiver]
Ellen Kombiyil 

When I Was Straight by Dustin Brookshire
On A Flight To Sacramento, Dolly Parton Speaks To Me by Dustin Brookshire
Secular Cubist by Jessica Goodfellow
In Spring, through Buckeyes Blooming by Angie Macri
Outside by Angie Macri
Romance by Robin Reagler
A Litmus Test for Faith by Robin Reagler
Questions of Home by Susan Rich
Uncensored Footage of the Cyborg in an IDPs Camp by Abu Bakr Sadiq
Flight Theory by Abu Bakr Sadiq
At Least This Time, It’s Not Ours by Lynne Schmidt
Alternate Universe Where Your Death Is More Gentle by Lynne Shcmidt
We Never Wore Tee-Shirts by Mervyn Seivwright
The Path in the River by Mervyn Seivwright
If You Like Math 42% or More, You’ll Hate This 93% by Kenton K. Yee
Le Passé by Roger Camp
[And I Not For Fury] by Ellen Kombiyil
[His Prayer a Quiver] by Ellen Kombiyil