TAB: The Journal of Poetry & Poetics is now open for submissions, and we’re now using Submittable. We consider poetry, scholarly and creative essays that address poetry, interviews with poets, poetry-artwork hybrids, and other cool stuff. We don’t charge a fee to submit, and we consider simultaneous submissions.
Before you submit, we recommend that you do two things.

First, read around in the Archives. We’ve spent the last year making the archives more accessible and moving them to this website platform. Sorting through all the wonderful work we’ve published since 2013 has reinvigorated us and deepened our gratitude for the writers who’ve shared their work as part of TAB.
Second, read the submission guidelines. And share them with other writers who might be interested in what we’re doing at TAB.
Our staff looks forward to a pool of submissions that will make for some tough decisions.
We’d like to share TAB Musings via email. Subscribe here.