Did you like what you read in the Current Issue (July 2022) of Tab Journal? We want to share more of what our amazing contributors are up to, so here are some links to their websites, social media, and more.
Allison Blevins: http://allisonblevins.com/
Joshua Davis: https://www.joshuadavispoet.com/
Brenda Cárdenas: https://twitter.com/CardenasBrendaE
Ed Go: https://edgosblog.wordpress.com/
Alicia Byrne Keane: https://twitter.com/keane_byrne
Orlando Ricardo Menes: https://www.orlandoricardomenes.com/
Dan Murphy: https://twitter.com/danielconor
Donna Vorreyer: http://donnavorreyer.com/
Kory Wells: https://korywells.com/
Kirby Olson: Kirby Olson is a professor at SUNY Delhi in the western Catskills. His published books include Gregory Corso: Doubting Thomist (Southern Illinois UP 2002), and Andrei Codrescu and the Myth of America (McFarland 2006) and Comedy after Postmodernism (Texas Tech UP 2000).
Ian Koh: https://twitter.com/iannkoh
Thanks to these wonderful writers for trusting Tab Journal with their work!