Tab Journal announces a Special Call for Poems for the print issue that will launch the 2024 volume. The Submissions page of the website has general guidelines, and the Submittable button there will take you to the submission form.
The first consideration deadline for this Special Call is July 18, 2023. The final deadline is September 10, 2023.
Each January, Tab Journal releases a uniquely designed print issue, which is mailed to all previous contributors, distributed at the Association of Writers & Writing Programs and other literary events, and sent to libraries and classes upon request. Past print issues have taken the form of a poster, a pouch, a set of postcards, and other innovative ways to consider the reading experience.

We’re looking for somewhat short poems that will fit the design-in-progress. In addition, while Tab Journal applies the print issue concept loosely and it continues to evolve, we’re looking for poems that have to do with twos, pairs, doubles, halves, dialogues, translations, couplets, and the like.
Tab Journal does not charge a submission fee.